As more and more stringent environmental policies adopted by various agencies a need for an Environment friendly blasting is a must. In order to have a good manual blasting operation a neat and clean blast room is required. CLEANBLAST with its years of experience in design and installation of various Blast Rooms in India and Middle East is a trusted partner for your return on investment.
Typical enclosure of a blast room will be made out of m. s. folded and bolted panels or PU form sandwich panels duly supported with formed structural members. Booth will have option of semi-automatic or full automatic recovery system fitted. The internal walls of a blasting booth are protected by abrasion resistant rubber sheets. Proper illumination using blast proof LED lighting are necessary for a higher produc- tivity. ‘Man Door will be provided on the sidewall of the booth. Air inlet louvers and exhaust hoods are provided on the front and rear wall of the booth respectively for ventilation and dust extraction. The jobs can be handled in and out of the blast room manually, by fork lift or in trolleys. Generally, Steel Grit and Garnet are widely used as preferable abrasive in a blast booth.
Basically there are two types of spray booths
1) Dry Back type
2) The Water Wash Type
Your choice depends primarily on the type of paint you will be spraying, type of work piece, cleanness of air and rate of production (quantity of spread/hr.)
Function of spray Booth:
To collect overspray and exhaust clean air.
To provide clean air at the operator’s breathing level.
To treat the over spray in such a way that it can later be disposed off outside the building without nuisance or hazard.
To reduce fire risk to a minimum in the spray shop.
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