dust free blasting

CLEANBLAST™ offers vaccum blaster. This new range of vacuum blasters, takes blasting technology one step further by eliminating the traditional drawbacks of blasting. It is a completely dust free process where the surrounding area is not exposed to flying blasting media. The blaster can therefore be used in premises where other activities are going on without disturbing them.

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The unit is mobile and can be easily moved for use indoors, outdoors and in confined spaces where conventional blasting is not permitted. The blasting media is automatically  drawn back into the unit, where it is cleaned and recycled as part of the process. Work can be carried out more effectively with fewer interruptions for refilling of blasting agent and the premises do not have to be cleaned after work.

The Vacuum Blaster comes complete, mounted on a trolley with a grit separator, silo with an internal sieve, filling valve, efficient vacuum producer and compressed air filters. A pneumatic valve in the bottom of the silo empties the dust into a plastic bag. The unit is equipped with a pneumatic  control device for automatic filter cleaning.


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